Thursday 18 November 2010

Sebastián Daganzo's (3ºA) Pet - Scrabi

     My pet is a rabbit. His name is Escrabi, also called "Cotton Ball", because he is very smooth and colour white. He has long ears, which are hanging downwards. His eyes are blue like the sea. He has long hair and a very short tail.

     He is very affectionate, because he gives me a lot of kisses with his tiny mouth. He likes to be stroke. He eats prepared animal food, but he likes very much carrots and its leaves. He also loves to eat hay. As all rodents do, he likes to run and jump during the night and sleep during the day.

Wednesday 10 November 2010


Hi, everyone!
We are three girls on sixth level.
Last Thursday we made a very good pumpkin pie from the English class.
Here are the pictures. Look!. Bye….!

It´s Halloween.
How to make a Pumkin pie!
Picture number 1: The ingredinents:
Cut the pumpkin in small pieces.
Cook the pumpkin and the milk.
Remove the pumpkin, the milk and the other ingredients: eggs, sugar, salt, cinnamon, baking powder and flour.
And finally, this is the pumpkin pie.

Here we are!.
Realizado por:
Belen Hernández, Marta Terrones, Patricia Ramos y Anabel Ortiz.

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